Motorola Serial Number Decoding

Motorola Serial Number Search

How to Translate Motorola Serial numbers to Determine the Date of Manufacture Determining Date of Manufacture from the Serial Number This page was developed by Mike Morris WA6ILQ from an email sent to Repeater-Builder. Date: Tue, 01 Apr 2006 Subject: How to Translate Motorola Serial numbers to Determine the Date of Manufacture >Most Motorola products follow the same serial number conventions. As >such, this often enables you to determine the approximate manufacture >date for a device.

Maxtrac Model number decoding. I am trying to find out what these model numbers are exactly.I know they are Maxtrac radios but. Legacy Batboard Motorola. Does anyone know of a website where I can take the model number from a Motorola portable and plug it in to a search to find information. Motorola Model Number Search.

Dungeon Crawl Classics 20.5 Pdf. >>The serial number convention follows the following general format: >>123ABC4567 or 123ABC45678 >>Where 123 is an unique three digit code for each model series, where >the significance of A is unknown, BC determines manufacture year and >month respectively, and where 4567 or 45678 is a unique four or five >digit serial number for the device in question.