The Oregon Trail 3rd Edition Game

The Oregon Trail 3rd Youtube

Screenshot from the Apple II version The Oregon Trail is a computer game originally developed by Don Rawitsch, Bill Heinemann, and Paul Dillenberger in 1971 and produced by the (MECC) in 1974. The original game was designed to teach school children about the realities of 19th-century life on the. The player assumes the role of a wagon leader guiding a party of settlers from, to 's via a in 1848. The game is the first entry in the, and has since been released in many editions by various developers and publishers who have acquired rights to it, as well as inspiring a number of spinoffs (such as and ) and the parody/homage. Contents • • • • • • • • Gameplay [ ] Travel [ ] The game includes several landmarks along the trail where players can make decisions, shop for supplies or rest.

These landmarks include:,,,,,,,,,,,,, in the,, and. When approaching Oregon's, travelers can either float a raft through the or take the. Hunting [ ] An important aspect of the game was the ability to. Using guns and bullets bought over the course of play, players select the hunt option (#8) and hunt wild animals to add to their food reserves. In the original version, there were no graphics and players were timed on how fast they could type 'BANG,' 'WHAM,' or 'POW,' with misspelled words resulting in a failed hunt.

In the first full-graphics version, players controlled a little man who could aim a rifle in one of eight directions and fire single shots at animals. In later versions, players hunted with a cross-hair controlled by the mouse or touch screen (or the in the version). Were the slowest moving targets and yielded the most food, while and were fast and offered very small amounts of food.

(eastern section) and (western section) were in the middle in terms of speed, size, and food yield; were between bison and deer in all three properties. While the number of wild game shot during a hunting excursion is limited by only the player's supply of bullets, the maximum amount of meat that can be carried back to the wagon is 100 pounds in early versions of the game. In later versions, as long as there were at least two living members of the wagon party, 200 pounds could be carried back to the wagon. In the later version, players could hunt in different environments. For example, hunting during winter would result in graphics showing grass covered in snow.

The The Oregon Trail: 3rd Edition wiki last edited by IcyEyes on 01/08/18 08:50PM View full history Despite the subtitle, this is technically the ninth edition to the long running educational game series.

In later versions, the over-hunting of animals would result in 'scarcity' and reduce the number of animals that appeared later in the game. Also, some versions also allow the player to go, with released on Wii and Nintendo 3DS using motion controls to cast the fishing rod.

Utorrent Bollywood Movies more. Death [ ] Throughout the course of the game, members of the player's party could fall ill and not rest, causing further harm to the victim. The party could die from various causes, such as,,,,, and, perhaps most famously,. People could also die from drowning or accidental gunshot wounds.

The player's were also subject to illness and death. In the Oregon Trail 2/ OT2 for PC and later releases, when a member of the player's party dies, the player has the option of conducting a brief: If the player elects to do so (as the game's instructions and in-game advisers strongly recommend in all but the very harshest environments), the player may write a tombstone epitaph for the party member before continuing down the trail; if the player declines to hold a funeral, the party suffers a severe blow to morale. Scoring [ ] At the conclusion of the journey, a player's score is determined in two stages.

In the first stage, the program awards a for each remaining family member (weighted by party health), each remaining possession (weighted by type), and remaining cash on hand (one point per dollar). In the second stage, the program multiplies this raw score depending on the party's initial level of resources determined by the profession of the party's leader; for example, in the Apple II game, a banker starting with $1600 receives no bonus, the final score of a carpenter starting with $800 is doubled, and the final score of a farmer starting with $400 is tripled. Reception [ ] Reception Aggregate score Aggregator Score 66/100 (iOS) Review scores Publication Score 3/10 (Wii) The Oregon Trail was extremely successful, selling over 65 million copies, after ten iterations over forty years. It was included in the book. It was a hallmark in American elementary schools in the 1980s, 1990s, and early-mid 2000s as many school computers, including the, came with the game.