Save State Of Decay Pc Version 10.0

The program dosnt seem to work with f5 or f9 but will save as many backup saves as you want. Its a bit of a pain but what I do is go into profile folder in the steam/userdata/758*****/241***/local and copy/paste the backup save file that want into the local folder.when I continue the game the backup save will be used and your character will start out from your home base.This has been very usefull for me on keeping my survivors alive.Its too bad there is very little docs for this program.Dont have the SOD add-on (breakdown) yet so don't know if this will work there. Code: System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Ein Teil des Pfades 'W: savegames state_of_decay.profile ' konnte nicht gefunden werden.

Save State Of Decay Pc Version 10.0

Knowing how hard it is to recreate a bug in this game (since usually your character dies and you now have lost the 'control' of the bug testing) I decided to put together a save manager that does 2 things (for now). Primarily it is an auto-save system. You set the interval of the save, and the number of saves to keep and it does the rest. It keeps only the last X saves at the specified interval. It also only makes a save point if the new save is different than the last one in the list.

Second is the 'quick save' system. This works partially so far since the global key hook is somehow getting blocked by the game when it is running. It does work if you alt-tab out of the game and then hit the F5 or F9 keys, so like I said, it partially works. - This is fixed in v 1.0.2 Quick save and quick load are performed with the F5 (save) and F9 (load) keys. It is recommended to load from the main menu of the game to ensure the files are not in use when loading. On the 'todo' list is a profile system (which is actually close to completion).

The end is here. Life as you knew it has gone to hell after the mother of all zombie outbreaks. Now you and the few scattered survivors must band together to survive. State of Decay bends genres to create an excellent open world zombie game. State of Decay review: city on the hill. Review PUBG review.

Click to expand.Steam will install games in any directory you tell it to. You can also tell it where non-steam games are, and move them around.

This isn't the 90's anymore, all locations are not hard-coded. I install all games on hot-swap SSD's. You can get a bunch of cheap ones that are 16-64GB from out-of-lease and junk net-books and business computers.

Better than a CD/DVD, and ultra-fast once you structure-defrag them to put the 'most accessed files' first. (or last, as long as they are all together. Being last makes the less accessed files first, making them load slightly faster when they get called. Yes, SSD's do have a delay when data is stored in the furthest segments of stacked chips, on the older drives, not on the new ones which use raid-style access to all chips at once.

Like I said, these are the old SSD's, not speed demons, but faster than the fastest platter drives, except those setup as raid on 6GBs connections.) I think that is part of the reason my loading-screen keeps 'getting stuck' after it is done loading. It loads so fast, that it is done loading before the loading screen has even finished displaying. Conquest Frontier Full Game War.

Then it remains showing because it missed the 'Okay, I'm loaded' reply. Because the loading screen wasn't loaded yet, to listen for the reply. (Or that is just another bug on the PC. Consoles take longer to load due to the screwy memory 'tricks' they use. I wish they just made consoles standard PC's, but customized to just be tuned for standards and speed. Instead, both took the old ATARI way of manufacturing.). Need help please!